Welcome to the Department of Political Science at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

The Department of Political Science as well as the Departments of Sociology and History are part of the Institute of Social Science (IGW), which belongs to the Faculty of Humanities at the Otto-von-Guericke University, founded in 1993.

The Department of Political Science consists of three Chairs. Their denomination mirrors their respective research and teaching focus.


Contact persons

Chair Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher michael.boecher@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56585

Chair European Multilevel-Governance

Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder eva.heidbreder@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56582

Chair International Relations

Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer alexander.spencer@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56657

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer alexander.spencer@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56657
Economy Iris Hampel iris.hampel@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56584
Secretariat Katharina Ehrecke katharina.ehrecke@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56572

Examination Office

Anna-Celina Herms

PAFHW-herms-koch@ovgu.de +49 391 67-56807

Marilyn Koch-Schlenker

PAFHW-herms-koch@ovgu.de +49 391 67-54868

Last Modification: 10.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster